The Charlestowne Neighborhood Association (CNA) is an active neighborhood organization, providing the residents of the geographical area hereinafter described a concerted voice when considering the matters that concern the peace, tranquility and orderly well-being of this historic neighborhood. CNA represents approximately 1,800 residences south of Broad and Exchange Streets. Below are a few guidelines structured by CNA and distributed to all companies interested in any type of film or video production in the area in an effort to assist the production to run smoothly for all involved.


  • The President of CNA should be notified upon any application submitted for a filming permit to the City of Charleston for a location on or south of Broad Street.
  • If approved, advance notification to CNA is requested at least one week prior to move-in. Larger films with longer filming times should give two weeks’ notice.
  • Fliers with specific pertinent information must be distributed to the neighbors within a three-block radius no later than five days prior to start of production. These notifications will take into account alternative parking arrangements, including payment for parking if residents are required to move their cars.

Parking/Street Closures:

  • Parking signs indicating the name of the production company and the correct times and dates of restrictions should be posted no later than 48 hours prior to the actual production move-in.
  • All non-essential production vehicles and all crew vehicles must park remotely or in metered spaces to ease congestion and be under the guidance and direction of the City of Charleston police department.
  • Production vehicles should be parked on one side of the street only. Sidewalk parking is strictly prohibited as many surfaces are of brick, cobblestone and flagstone. Larger vehicles should be parked in the middle of the block to maintain site lines for intersections

Public Safety:

A sufficient number of uniformed City of Charleston police officers should be hired by the production crew to properly handle safety concerns, facilitate street closings and assist in traffic detours, safe street crossings, access to parking for the neighbors and other disruptions.

Feeding the Crew/Dressing the Cast:

All catering functions and meal service must be stationed in an off-site eatery/cafeteria. The same is true for the wardrobe trucks.

Production Limitations:

  • Arrivals of equipment or vehicles for production or related activities should take place no earlier than 7:00 AM on weekday mornings and no earlier than 8:00 AM on weekend mornings.
  • Departures should be completed, and all vehicles moved out no later than 11:00 PM. Any production should acquaint itself with the City of Charleston Noise Ordinance in Section 21-16 ( and strictly comply with its provisions.
  • Production at any one location in the neighborhood should last no more than four days and no location within the neighborhood should be used more than twice within one year with no less than four months between productions.
  • No filming will be allowed on New Year’s Eve, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, any religious and non-religious holidays and during the Cooper River Bridge Run. CNA asks that companies be mindful that production should be avoided during peak tourism season (mid-March to mid-April) and during Spoleto.

Cleanup/Site Alterations:

  • Garbage and trash should be disposed of daily through an arranged trash hauling service. Trash should not be left on the streets for regular city pick-up. All honey wagons and portable potties should be emptied and sanitized no less than every day if left in the area. These facilities should be moved out along with all other production vehicles.
  • Any alterations to the streetscape, landscape and environment (including posted signs) shall be removed and the site restored to its original condition within 24 hours of the closing of production.

Donation to the Association:

All production companies are asked to make a daily donation of $1,000 per day ($500 for a minimally invasive, half-day photo shoot) to CNA in support of its ongoing efforts to preserve the beauty and integrity of the neighborhood. Our tax identification number is: 57-0801094

We look forward to working closely with you in creating an inviting and cooperative climate for your production in our neighborhood. Please feel free to call us to review these guidelines and discuss the details of your project. We urge you to keep in mind that our neighborhood is residential and expect you to be considerate of the people who live here.

For more information, please contact in writing or by email:

Charlestowne Neighborhood Association
P.O. Box 548
Charleston, SC 29402
Attn: Lee Higdon, President


The CNA offered its qualified support to the City of Charleston for moving to the PED phase of the Army Corps project in the fall of 2021. To review the full statement, click on the link below:



Residents can contact the Citizen Services Desk to report a problem, submit a request or ask a question about city services by calling 843-724-7311 during normal business hours Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., or by visiting

Requests made over the phone or online will be entered into the city’s Customer Request Management system and then routed to the appropriate department to be addressed. Citizens can check on the status of their request online and will receive an email notification upon its completion.

City of Charleston Official Contact Information

Mayor WIlliam Cogswell and Advisory Team:
William Cogswell:
Elizabeth Applegate Dieck, Chief of Staff:
Logan McVey, Chief Policy Officer:
Deja Knight McMillan, Director of

Adrian Capers Swinton, Advisor, Human Affairs and Race Conciliation Manager:
Wendell Gilliard, Special Advisor, Quality of Life and Community Outreach
Mika Gadsden, Special Advisor, Community and Environmental Initiatives


Clerk of City Council:
Jennifer Cook:

City Council Members by District:

Mail Letters To City Council Members:
Charleston City Hall
80 Broad Street
Charleston, SC 29401

Neighborhood Services:
Meg Thompson, Manager:

City Ombudsman:
Brian Sheehan:

Planning Commission: (Planning Department staff liaisons—can convey comments to PC)
Robert Summerfield, Director:
Christopher Morgan: Planning Manager/Division Director:

Board of Architectural Review-S and –L: (Planning Department staff liaisons—can convey comments to BAR)
Travis Galli, Senior Preservation Officer:
BD Wortham-Galvin, City Architect/Director Preservation:

Board of Zoning Appeals-Zoning: (Planning Department staff liaison- can convey comments to BZA)
Lee Batchelder: 

Corporation Council:
Julia Copeland:

Letters to Editor–Post & Courier:



The chart below was provided to CNA on April 15, 2022 by Dale Morris, the City of Charleston’s Chief Resiliency Officer.

KEY: USACE stands for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and WRDA stands for the Water Resources Development Act.


Letter from Charlestowne Neighborhood Association Summarizing Results of the Charlestowne Neighborhood Short-Term Rental Survey

August 29, 2017

To Whom It May Concern,

The historic Charlestowne Neighborhood is one of the oldest continuously lived in neighborhoods in the United States. Its origins go back to the genesis of our nation. It is a treasure that must be protected and protecting it requires constant diligence, not only on the part of the residents, but on the city leaders and leaders of other institutions that have a direct or indirect impact on the livability and quality of life on which this residential only neighborhood depends.   Our findings show 81% of respondent properties are voter registered primary residences. 91% are private residences only and 69% live in year around while 17% are in residence six to nine months of the year.

The phenomenon of short-term rentals as enabled by such Internet based platforms as Airbnb, HomeAway, VBRO and others has proven to present a significant negative impact on livability in residential neighborhoods frequented by high volume tourism around the world. For this reason, the Charlestowne Neighborhood Association (CNA) established a subcommittee to research and gain an understanding of the issues and potential impact on our fragile neighborhood. Following their work, we have surveyed our membership on the issue and the results are unambiguous. Our neighborhood does not want to see short-term rentals allowed. In addition, the regulations and restrictions must be extensive and enforcement of the laws very aggressive relative to any impact such changes may have directly on our neighborhood. To facilitate such aggressive enforcement, funding and resources for reporting, investigation, enforcement and prosecution must be firmly in place before any such changes would be allowed to go into effect.

The following is a summary of the survey results:

The CNA Short-term Rental survey was sent only to Charlestowne Neighborhood members. Some members shared the survey with neighbors who are not CNA members, but who live in the Charlestowne neighborhood. The simple response for allowing short-term rentals in the neighborhood resulted in 83% opposed. When asked how they feel about listing their property, 50% would never list their property, 22% would not likely consider listing and an additional 21% viewed listing on such websites should not be allowed.

With respect to awareness of short-term rentals, 62% expressed they are familiar with STRs and their impact on neighborhoods while an additional 27% are familiar but don’t know how they are regulated. When asked what impact STRs would have on the neighborhood the response was 53% viewed it would make the neighborhood a significantly less desirable place to live, 19% said it would affect quality of life and 9% would consider moving out of the neighborhood.   When asked what they think about Airbnb and such sites, 71% responded they don’t like STRs as they damage residential neighborhoods.

In consideration of nine areas of impact for such things as noise, parking, property values, etc., of the nine, six were rated concerns by 62% to 83%. And if their neighbor were to operate a STR, 71% would not want any such rental, 17% would be accepting if the same or stricter limitations as B&Bs were applied, and of the remaining, 8% only if limitations reduce impact on themselves and others.

In considering the city’s willingness to enforce the regulation of STRs, 26% expect the city to be too lax, 31% view the city will fail to provide the necessary resources and 28% believe the laws will be enforced, but property owners will violate the law anyway.

In summary, the overwhelming majority of property owners in our neighborhood are opposed altogether to STRs and would only accept very strict and aggressively enforced restrictions. It is felt internet listed STRs are a significant negative risk to livability in the Charlestowne neighborhood. We call upon all involved in considering the strategic direction of Charleston on an issue of such destructive potential to the very fabric of residential neighborhoods, that you will acknowledge our concerns by ensuring there are no changes made without strict and enforceable limitations and the necessary enforcement resources and funding in place before any such change to the existing regulations. The most effective such approach is to continue the policy of allowing NO STRs in the Charlestowne neighborhood.

Please click on the link below to review the survey results and list of comments gathered.

Thank you for your consideration.

Charlestowne Neighborhood Association Board




Fix Flooding First is a recent initiative urging local leaders to find and fund solutions for local flooding.  Currently, they are circulating a petition showing support for such action.  Information on Fix Flooding First and a link to the petition can be found at
Groundswell! is Charleston County’s only grassroots community organization dedicated exclusively to combating the rising flooding that threatens our homes and our hometown – over and over again.

Their mission is two-fold: To demand that our city, county and state governments devote more resources – and now – to the rising waters that threaten the very existence of Charleston as we know it. And to serve as a clearinghouse of practical information and support to our members as they deal with the devastation and anxiety that undermines our lives.

Groundswell! Is rooted in the Charlestowne and Harleston Village neighborhoods in the southwest corner of the Peninsula. But because flood waters know no boundaries, they welcome members throughout Charleston. They also welcome other groups that share our concerns – whether neighborhood associations, businesses, churches or civic organizations.

For more information, please visit the website by clicking on the link below:


City of Charleston Website ( contains agendas for public meetings, city department operations, city services and other information.)

Seawall Repair –

Charleston County

Charleston Communities for Cruise Control –

A​ ​neighborhood safety meeting was held ​on February 17 at a private home on Colonial Street for concerned neighbors to discuss specific crime and safety issues. Officials in attendance were Mike Seekings – City Councilman,  Luther Reynolds – Chief of Police, and Dustin Thompson – Captain of Community Oriented Policing. Not in attendance, but aware of our concerns, is Patrick McLaughlin – Lieutenant and Team 2 Commander. Chief Reynolds set the agenda which covered crime, traffic and flooding.

The area South of Calhoun is known as Team 2, which is broken up into three zones. Crime for South of Broad is low and mainly limited to auto theft and auto break-ins (not home break-ins). These crimes are predictable and preventable. We have to start somewhere, so let’s start with locking our vehicles. Start today – lock up everything. Don’t leave your keys in your car. Don’t leave guns in your car. There were 200 guns stolen in the city last year. Self awareness is key – check your surroundings before exiting your vehicle. Crime is woefully under reported. Don’t be afraid to call 911 if you see something.

Dustin Thompson is a resource available to us: 843-452-7679, His domain (Community Oriented Policing) was created by Chief Reynolds. His specialty is problem solving, and he is a liaison between neighborhoods and the police force.

Lights are an inexpensive deterrent. Cameras are very effective and helpful. Public cameras are very expensive and take a long time to install. So partnerships with residents are important. If you have video footage related to a crime, send it to Dustin. Also, record the location of your camera here on the City of Charleston webpage. CPD has crime prevention experts who can come out, do a survey and recommend camera locations for private citizens.

Education, engineering and enforcement
Main purpose is to save lives but also to improve quality of life. They will put resources where we tell them. If we can help them identify the worst roads/intersections, they will enforce – but be on notice that often the residents are the ones who get tickets. They are beefing up their efforts with more motorcycles and more training.

Closing from Chief Reynolds:
We’ve heard you tonight. We will commit to better communication to build confidence. Dustin is our point of contact. We can improve things incrementally by working together. Once group decides how to communicate we can include Dustin. Tonight was a great indication of how important it is for citizen voices to be heard.

Action Items:
1. Start today: lock your cars. Don’t leave guns or valuables in them.
2. If you have a security camera, register its location with the police using this link.
3. Install security lights and cameras.
4. Decide as a group how we want to share safety information with each other. (Mike Seekings advised against NextDoor because it’s too broad, but if we think it works, that could be it. An email distribution list is another option.)
5. Identify a neighbor who is willing to serve/lead the neighborhood security effort.



The City’s Transportation and Traffic Department will install signage on neighborhood streets to limit non-residential parking if a majority of residents on a street or portion of a street submit a petition.

As discussed at the March CNA Membership Meeting, recent parking restrictions on East Bay and South Battery as well as the anticipated elimination of some or all unrestricted parking along Murray Boulevard may result in increased non-residential parking on nearby streets. Residents of streets where parking is currently unrestricted may wish to consider whether to request parking restrictions to assure adequate parking for residents.

Residents may obtain, at a nominal cost, booklets of visitor permits that allow daily parking for guests or contractors.  Call (843) 724-7375 for more information about residential parking decals or visitor permits.

A simple template for a petition is provided below:

The undersigned residents, representing more than 50% of the residential units  on ________ Street/Avenue [between ______ Street/Avenue and _______ Street/Avenue], which is within Residential Parking District B,  request that residential parking be enforced on such street  as follows:

Hour limit:  _____ [1, 2 or other]
Days per week:  ______ [ 7 days or MondayFriday]The undersigned respectfully seek approval of this petition and the posting of the requested permit parking signs by the Charleston Department of Traffic and Transportation as soon as practicable.

[Signatures and addresses]

Signed petitions should be submitted to:

Robert Somerville|Assistant Director
City of Charleston|Department of Traffic and Transportation
180 Lockwood Drive, Suite C, Charleston, SC 29403

The Tourism Enforcement officer, the Livability Court Judge, and the Tourism Commission are working together to achieve a nice balance.

REPORT BY CALLING – (843-709-1985) – Give the following, complete information: 1. I am calling to report a tourism violation. 2. There is a (carriage, bus, walking tour) that is (the violation) at (the location). 3. The name of the company. 4. The tour vehicle number (white city decal on back of vehicle) or description of walking tour guide (walking tour guides should have their license displayed). 5. Tour violations are not stationary. However, if you are willing to give your name and phone number, and willing to go to court to testify, the officer will ticket the violation, even though he did not catch them in the act).


1. Tours may only be conducted within RESIDENTIAL zones during touring hours. The legal hours for residential touring are 9AM- 5PM Eastern Standard Time (winter) and 9 AM- 6PM Daylight Savings Time (summer)

2. COMMERCIAL FREE Zones allow touring at any time of day. Visualize, or draw yourself a map of the following commercial areas. King and Meeting Streets in the area South of Hassell and North of Broad – North and South Market Streets and Cumberland St. between Meeting and Concord – Broad St. between King and East Bay – East Bay to Vendue Range. Vendue Range to Concord. There are two tiny jogs from Cumberland down Church Street to the 1st gate of St. Phillips and another to the Judicial Center on Meeting St. (only a couple of steps South of Broad, and on the Post Office side of the street only).

3. Some streets are zoned RESIDENTIAL, although they are nestled within the perimeter of the COMMERCIAL zone. Tours are not allowed on these streets, Church Street, State Street, and Chalmers, except during legal hours.

4. Walking Tours MAY NOT CONSIST of more than 20 people plus a guide. School groups are an exception.

5. Small Certified Touring Buses MAY NOT PULL OVER for descriptive purposes. They may pull over and stop ONLY to allow cars to pass.

6. Bus engines MAY NOT IDLE for more than 5 minutes while in a residential area.

7. Carriages MAY ONLY OPERATE in the zone designated by the green medallion displayed on the rear of the carriage. The most common Zone violations are carriages that have a Zone 3 medallion. They may attempt to sneak over to Zone 2.

8. Carriage Medallion Zones – generally. Zone 1 – Primarily Meeting Street and East. Zone 2- Primarily between Meeting Street and Logan/Lenwood and Murray Blvd. Between Lenwood and King. Zone 3 – North of Market and Pinkney Streets out to Calhoun and West of Logan and Lenwood. In zone 3 carriages should never be East of Logan/Lenwood.

9. Carriage drivers are required to drive safely and to PULL OVER to allow traffic to pass.

10. All Carriage drivers are equipped with walkie-talkies and are REQUIRED to report any and all horse/mule manure and urine.

The City has contracted a very conscientious company to clean up “spillage”. If they are called immediately, especially before urine bakes into the pavement, the odor problems can be lessened or prevented. If you see or smell problems, call Charleston Equine Sanitation at 343-1129. (And please thank them for their dedication to keeping our city looking and smelling clean.)

Large Buses and any uncertified small buses MUST DISPLAY YELLOW PERMITS in their windshield, indicating they are touring. They must remain on the Perimeter route. They must have a registered tour guide on the bus. Therefore they should never be “lost” and wandering through streets.

All large or uncertified buses must have either a YELLOW or a GREEN PERMIT displayed in their windshield. (otherwise call and report it) A Green Permit allows buses to transport people from one destination to another. (distinguished from touring)